The right design for your product ideas

Creatively designed and impressively visualized

Little electric roadster, sculptured metal effect mug, water tap for kids

Visualization and Design

Little electric roadster, sculptured metal effect mug, water tap for kids.

E-motorhome with built-in garage, extended roadster

Special Car Design

E-motorhome with built-in garage, extended roadster

Ladies Watch

Elegant Design

From elegant ladies watch to power generator with style

Various works of the designer, showing his wide range of skills.

Animate and configure, in an advanced way!

Examples of products designed by Thomas Clever

Color-Frogs, Speed-Shapes, AI-Stations, Boots, Products designed by Thomas Clever

Color sample forms (as shown on the left) for development, marketing and sales of well-known companies, especially from the automotive sector, are designed by Thomas Clever for the Swiss specialist ColorFrog AG, which has been manufacturing and selling them since 1997.

More about the cute elephant product ideas (on the right side of the picture above) here...

Interactive: Steering wheel to disassemble

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Last Update 11.02.2025